
Draft constitutional law at the national discussion

As you know, a nationwide discussion of the draft Constitutional Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan” began on June 25.

Today, with the participation of employees of the central office, territorial administrations and subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the Committee of Highways, JSC “Uzbekistan Railways”, JSC “Uzbekistan Airways”, JSC “Uzbekistan Airports”, JSC “Toshshahartranshismat”, JSC “Yo’lqurilish”, a discussion was held on the topic “constitutional reforms – it was a relationship event was held.

The event, organized in the form of a videoconference, was attended by more than two thousand employees. It spoke about the importance and relevance of the amendments and additions that are expected to be made to the basic law.

The event was attended by Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis D.Mamazhanova, Deputy Head of the State Budget Department of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis T.Eshnazarov analyzed in detail every amendment that is expected to be introduced into our Constitution.

It was noted at the meeting that the Constitutional Commission is systematically working to adopt the opinions and proposals of the population. As a result, not only scientists, lawyers, specialists, but also citizens themselves are directly involved in the constitutional reforms carried out in our country. The analysis of the proposals made shows that our people are not indifferent to the large-scale changes taking place in the country, citizens strive to become active participants in the reforms.

The Constitutional Bill provides for more than 60 amendments to more than 200 articles of our Constitution. Thanks to these expected changes, additions and new norms, the Constitution is based on the principle of “man-society-State”.

The fact that this political process began with the study and acceptance of proposals from all categories of society indicates that human interests are in the first place in our country.

After all, constitutional amendments become directly applicable norms aimed primarily at ensuring and protecting the personal, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental rights and interests of citizens belonging to various social strata of society.

At the event, the participants expressed their opinion on the draft constitutional law.




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