
The international cooperation

As part of the 3rd meeting of the Joint Commission at the level of the heads of government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation in the city of Samarkand, a Plan of Practical Measures for Cooperation in the Field of Transport for 2022-2023 (“Road Map”) was signed.

By this document, signed by the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. Makhkamov and the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation V. Savelyev, the parties expressed their readiness to organize a bilateral exchange of information on changes in the legislation of states in the field of transport security.

The parties came to an agreement on the creation of favorable conditions for the implementation of container / refrigerated cargo transportation between Uzbekistan and Russia.

The document also covered the issues of introducing modern digital solutions in the field of transport, including the digital intelligent transport system of the Republic of Uzbekistan and interaction in the field of transport education.


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